Brake Safety Week

July 14 2020

We all know how trucks are large and heavy, and it takes them much longer to speed up and slow down. In order to keep everyone on the road safe, we need to make sure all braking components are in impeccable shape. For this reason brake safety week is August 23-29.

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) break safety week will proceed as originally scheduled. There will be appointed officials to do inspections throughout the week. Whichever vehicles have critical violations will be restricted from being on the road until the problems are fixed. Whichever vehicles pass the inspection they will receive a “passed-inspection CVSA decal.”

Every component of the brake system is important to have in good condition, which has inspectors paying close attention to all brake hoses & tubing. All components work together to slow the vehicle all tubing and hoses are vital to the mechanical fitness and safety. All tubing and hoses need to be attached properly, showing no leaks or damages. If the hoses or tubing have issues or damage of any sort that can cause critical problems for the braking system.

The International Road-check inspection was completed last year with about 45% of all out of service vehicles that had brake system and brake adjustments violations. During the brake safety week last year over 13% of commercial vehicles were placed out of service due to the item violations.

The brake safety week is highly important and helps law enforcement by reducing vehicle crashes through the thorough inspections and removing dangerous vehicles off the road.

“Despite the pandemic, commercial motor vehicle safety inspectors continue to prioritize vehicle and driver safety by conducting inspections every day,” said CVSA President Sgt. John Samis with the Delaware State Police. “Safety is always our top priority and it’s our mission to ensure the vehicles on our roadways have met all safety standards and regulations. This is especially important as we rally behind truck drivers as they transport essential goods during this public health crisis. We need to do everything we can to ensure that the vehicles truck drivers are driving are as safe as possible.”

Brake safety week is important in any vehicle and we shouldn’t forget to maintain proper car for our daily motor vehicles as well. “Brakes are one of the most important systems in a vehicle,” added Sgt. Samis. Failure to any part of the system can be fatal in some cases, with the pandemic being as dangerous as it is we wouldn’t want to add on more risk in our lives.

We care, and our team has prepared online training geared towards your safety and the safety of others… click here to get started.