Truck drivers typically suffer from back pain caused by bad posture, repeated lifting, and long periods of sitting. Muscle soreness and discomfort are common symptoms of this condition. Certain muscles might contract or become weak if they are overused or not used sufficiently. They may heat up, twitch, or be weak. Your back, neck, shoulders, knees, and hips may be affected due to this. Without therapy, musculoskeletal discomfort can increase and lead to other issues. In this article, we will show you the 12 best Egoscue exercises for truckers that are all demonstrated with a video. Get back pain relief without medication or surgery. You can also get the Egoscue book Pain Free for more exercises and stop your chronic pain.
What is the Egosque Method
Pete Egoscue invented the Egoscue Method, a do-it-yourself (non-medical) method for pain relief and posture therapy. The Egoscue exercises are a set of stretches tailored to a certain problematic postural alignment pattern. The average person’s posture is out of alignment and needs to be realigned. The Egoscue technique was created to alleviate chronic pain and is based on the notion that your body would never disappoint you.
The Egoscue Exercises or “E-Cises”
Note: The Egoscue Method recommends that all the E-cises be performed in order. This is because some of the exercises require prerequisite stretching or alignment.
1st. Static Back – the back and torso muscles are relaxed by gravity Lie down on your back with your legs propped up on the Egoscue box (or chair) and your hands at 45 degrees. Hold for 3 mins.

2nd. Static Back with diaphragmatic breathing– you should feel your belly expand when you breathe in, and when you breathe out of your nose the belly goes down.
3rd. Abdominal Contractions while in the static back position– Breathe deep and contract your abs for three seconds after you exhale.
4th. Abductor Presses ( click for video)- Static back posture with legs held together by a belt or knot (with feet at shoulder width). You’ll try to draw your knees apart to counteract the resistance. This exercise helps to strengthen the hip and thigh muscles (which help spread the legs apart). Three sets of 10 are suggested.
5th. Overhead Extensions ( click for video)– Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, pointing straight forward. Pull your head and shoulders back, and roll your hips forward (into extension). Interlace your fingers and raise your hands to the sky, palms up. Your arms should be exactly over your head, completely stretched. Lean back in your chair (looking at the back of your hands). For 30 seconds, stay in this posture.
6th. Elbow Curls (on a wall) ( click for video)- The body is kept in line by the wall. Place your back on the wall and your head against it (be sure to keep your feet hip-width apart and point straight ahead as with most Egoscue exercises). This is your beginning position: make fists and place your knuckles on your temples (thumbs pointing down and elbows sticking out as wide as possible, contacting the wall). Slowly draw your elbows together and touch them in front of your face, then pause and return to full extension. Maintain a small touch between your hands and your head by keeping your head back.
7th. Static Wall (click for video)- Place your legs vertically up the wall while lying on your back (creating a 90-degree angle). Legs and buttocks as near to the wall as feasible, feet hip-width apart (as long as hips remain on the floor). Alternate bringing one leg off the wall by 3 inches or so as an extra variety. Make sure your foot is flexed and your thigh is tight. 15 reps are suggested.
8th. Static Extension ( click for video) -Down on your hands and knees, six inches from your shoulders. Knees and hands aligned (similar to Cow (Yoga) stance, but with the knees farther back). Allow your shoulder blades to come together and relax your low back. Lean forward until your shoulders are level with your hands. It is suggested that you stay in this position for 1-2 minutes. Allow your head to fall forward as you relax. You should notice your spine stretching and aligning.
9th. Upper Spinal Twist ( click for video) -Lie down on your back, knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Your close sidearm will keep your knees in position as your other arm stretches your body and chest. The palms of your hands and the top of your head should be facing the sky. Hold the position for three minutes (or longer). It’s important to relax and let your shoulders fall equally to the floor. Allow your son to melt into this posture by taking a deep breath. The knees should be symmetrical (side by side).
10th. Pelvic tilts ( click for video) – Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Your heels should be about 12” to 16” from your butt. Flatten your lower back by rolling your hips forward then roll your hips back to make an arch under your low back. Do these “rolls” continuously for 10 repetitions. Keep your feet and legs still throughout the exercise. Inhale on the way up and exhale as you go down. This exercise is designed to strengthen and release the torso muscles.
11th. Supine Groin Progressive ( click for video) -This exercise is known to be highly useful for unlocking tight hip flexors. Lie down on your back with one leg bent at 90 degrees and the other leg stretched out, resting on a 15-pound weight “object (box or step). The extended leg’s foot should be supported to prevent it from sliding outward. This position should be kept for at least 10 minutes comfortably. After then, the outstretched leg should be lowered to 7 inches “or the ground, and stay there for another 10 minutes. Rep with the other leg. You want your leg muscles to relax and return to their natural position. You can flex your thigh muscle to see whether your leg has freed. If you have a strong feeling,
12th. Air Bench (click for video)- Push your back against a wall and slowly scoot your back down the wall as you step your feet further out from the wall. Continue until your thighs are at 90 degrees from the floor (as if sitting in a chair). Your knees should be at hip-width apart in line with your ankles (not over your toes). This will be very taxing on your thigh muscles. The goal is ultimately to hold this position for three minutes but this will take time. Start slow, keep proper form and slowly increase your hold times. If you feel pain in your knees move your hips higher up the wall. Shake your legs out when finished.
Most of our Team at Matrix, Inc is familiar with the Egoscue method. These exercises are great for all the people that work long hours in a seated position or just experience back pain. If you can find the time for even 2 or 3 of the above exercises you will still feel the back pain relief.
Here are more exercises that you can be interested in: How to prevent back pain from driving and Stretches at your desk/truck
You can find the whole equipment you need for the Egoscue exercises here.